Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge

Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge

Join the Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge today to create a cleaner, healthier community and save money!

In partnership with Contra Costa County, Sustainable Contra Costa and the cities of San Pablo & Walnut Creek, Environmental Resources staff are putting the finishing touches on a new online sustainable action platform! The Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge will make it easy and fun to take sustainable actions by giving you helpful tips and resources for those actions. The Challenge tracks your savings (both in dollars and emissions) and provides you with opportunities to engage with your neighbors and learn more about our community.

Join your neighbors in a bit of friendly competition to lower our emissions, while all playing for the same team (Team Planet Earth)! When we reduce our impact by conserving resources, cutting energy costs, decreasing our use of dirty fuels, and investing in local opportunities, everybody benefits! We expect the site to go live by April 22nd, cleanercontracosta.org.
