Antioch Unified - Honor Roll

Deer Valley and Dozier-Libbey Receives ERP Honor Roll

Congratulations to Deer Valley and Dozier-Libbey for being named 2018-19 California Honor Roll winners. Educational Results Partnership and the Campaign for Business and Education recently awarded the pair for β€œdemonstrating consistent high levels of student academic achievement, improvement in achievement levels over time, and a reduction in achievement gaps among student populations.” Deer Valley and Dozier-Libbey are two of the 1,831 β€œhigher-performing schools” throughoutΒ California. Through national research, the groups identified a common success factor, including evidence-based instructional practices; a defined system-wide mission of college and career readiness; maintenance of data and assessment systems to monitor school and student performance; and resources and guidance to support schools’ efforts in preparing all students for college and career. James Lanich, president and CEO of Education Results Partnership, explained that after an β€œextensive analysis of student data for every public school and district in California, these schools are clear leaders in getting students to grade-level and beyond.”

honor roll

About The Educational Results Partnership Honor Roll

The Educational Results Partnership Honor Roll, sponsored by CBEE, is the only school recognition program in California using student achievement outcomes as the criteria. The Honor Roll is a valuable resource for all schools to identify successful peers and learn about best practices that are improving student achievement. For more info on @edresults and the ERP Honor Roll program, visit:Β  www.edresults.org .

